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So, how are we? - a letter to the past

Greetings. It is I. The improved Hanna. So glad I'm out of the embarrassing phase (which you can easily see from previous posts). Alright since I'm the only one who will read my own blog (in the future, maybe. Because I'll probably wont go back here for a looong time), lets just start the recap and progress over these short years You're 19 years and 2 months old. Next week you start the 2nd semester of Uni. You're majoring in Psychology. S urprise, surprise. You wanted to be a fashion designer or an architect back when you were like 10-12 years old. But shit happened, you were a mess (kinda still).So when you were in the 11th grade, you decided that you want to major in Psychology. I read the old posts and bOIII fangirling was fun. But now that word makes me cringe. Congrats though, you made it to a One Direction concert on the 25th of March 2015. Zayn quit and you found out about that in the car after you just enjoyed the concert. After that being your f

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